
Spellbinding Beauty Red Roses Bouquet

Embraced in white gypsophila and additional fresh greenery, this passionate bouquet of 7 vivid red roses is stunning. (The glass vase is only used as an example and is not included. During the ordering process, you can select a vase from the options on the right side of the image)

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Bulgaria flowers  -  All is Passion Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Bulgaria flowers  -  All is Passion Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Bulgaria flowers  -  All is Passion Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Product Code: BG022
The picture is an example and the quantity of flowers have illustrative value.
Bulgaria flowers  -  All is Passion Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Bulgaria flowers  -  All is Passion Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Bulgaria flowers  -  All is Passion Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Bulgaria flowers  -  All is Passion Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
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Spellbinding Beauty Red Roses Bouquet

  • Elevate your space with our captivating bouquet featuring 7 vibrant red roses.
  • Adorned with delicate white gypsophila and lush greenery for added elegance.
  • Customize your order by selecting a vase from our range of options.
  • Handcrafted with care to ensure long-lasting freshness and beauty.
  • Bring joy and warmth to any room with this stunning floral arrangement.
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