
Red Rose Bouquet with Lively Greenery

11 red and white roses arranged in a traditional romantic bouquet for the one you love, gently embraced by greenery and wrapping paper.

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Bulgaria flowers  -  Glowing Flowers  Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Product Code: BG001
The picture is an example and the quantity of flowers have illustrative value.
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Red Rose Bouquet with Lively Greenery

  • Elevate your love with our enchanting bouquet featuring captivating red and white roses.
  • Crafted in a traditional romantic style, each bloom symbolizes passion and purity.
  • Embraced by lush greenery, our bouquet exudes natural elegance.
  • Hand-wrapped with care in exquisite wrapping paper for a delightful presentation.
  • Ideal for surprising your beloved with a gesture that speaks volumes.
  • Order now for same-day delivery and make their heart flutter with joy.
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